Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Still Puzzled?

I guess our grand old symbol of freedom and great strength may be a little puzzled too.  I didn't intend to make any special statement about my libertarian friends yesterday.  However, they do have a stated platform and foist very strong arguments for their beliefs.  I find their arguments are a little too pat at times for my palate, but I do find a lot of common ground with them on some issues.  My point was, no matter how sound your argument may come across on first hearing, some very important realities may have been left out of the equation.  I could not use either the Democrats or Republicans as examples as their positions on issues are solely dependent on how much pork they are receiving at the time.

Let's look at how the parties operate.  Sarah Palin, the very popular former Governor of Alaska and VP running mate of John McCain in the last election, is receiving very harsh treatment from the Democrats and their biased companions in the liberal media.  Their argument seems to be centered around her lack of qualifications to hold the office of President.  I can't say I totally disagree with their assessment, but, should the party of Barack Hussein Obama be drawing attention to anyone's lack of qualifications?  I think I need to learn more about Sarah Palin before I can make an educated opinion, however, Barack Obama has proved to us all how much of an unqualified light weight he really is.

Now, just so you are not confused, I like the conservative wing of the Republican party, and I am more aligned politically with the platform of the Republicans than with any other political party.  Most of my voting life I voted Republican except in local elections where no Republican candidate was available.  Why?  Because as I have mentioned in the preceding two posts, I feel compelled to vote for people who I believe understand there is a spiritual component in our lives.  The Democrat party platform has more planks linked to special interest groups with a social agenda than does the Republican party.  Some of these special interests are behaving in direct opposition to my value system, so I choose to vote Republican.  I am not for any special recognition of neglected classes of people by the U. S. government.  I am not for granting rights to special interests who have aberrant behavior as their primary focus.  I am not for granting special favors to large voting blocs like labor unions, or minority groups who continue to demand recognition and supplemental financial help.  I am not for an open immigration policy.  So, Democrats are out as far as I'm concerned.

I do have problems with some members of the Republican party who are stuck on some single issue.  As a party, the Republicans must speak to a wide variety of issues affecting our national interests at home and abroad.  Our major concern right now should be a major reduction in federal spending, and budget reduction.  Social and environmental programs, along with our public welfare programs must get the immediate budget ax.  We must return to the well defined provisions of our United States Constitution.

Behind every great fortune there is a crime.
Honore de Balzac


  1. I think the greatest beef that most conservative minded people have with the Republican party is their total lack of fiscal disciplan when they had complete control of both houses of congress and the presidency. George Bush seemed set on proving that he could be a good "compassionate" conservative and their were plenty of Rinos that were willing to go along and buy the vote just like liberal Democrats. If the next congressional elactions return the Republicans to power and they do nothing to abolish wasteful agencies and programs and fail to rein in spending and ever growing government, then they are through as a party and will be in the waste can of history. People are angry and we've had just about enough.

  2. I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

  3. I agree with you Steve. I hope the message is getting through to the Republican machine. Getting elected is only the beginning of the process. Business as usual is not. The Republicans since Reagan have become practitioners of big government. To a degree, I think it is because we as citizens have become dependent. The beauty of a large number of citizens waking up and realizing they must join together and make a difference is a renewal of interest in how government works.

    Anonymous; For years the conservative message has been hurt by conservatives who cannot see the larger picture of how government really works. If you get outside the two major parties, you have very little chance to get elected. If you don't get elected, you don't stand a chance of having your message heard.

    Third parties (usually members of a major party who have one or two issues they must have as planks)are formed when these members break from the party most akin to their overall beliefs. They rarely win anything. That's why I mentioned the single issue members of a party. These splinter groups weaken the ability of the major party to win, and have in several elections made it possible for a party opposed to their views entirely to gain office. I think the proper way to do things is find candidates who are willing to listen and work for the majority of their constituents and put them on the ballot. Then stay engaged as a voting public with the process. We can't let things get way out of line and expect to bring them back easily. I hope that helps.


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