Monday, July 29, 2013

Summertime at the Creek

This is a photo of Black Creek in south Mississippi.  In the heat of summer we could find relief by wading and swimming in the cooling waters.  I wrote a poem while remembering those peaceful days of yesteryear.

The Catch

I used to take a short cane pole
and head out for the creek
where tannin colored water ran
like iced tea over white soft sand.
It pooled in bends or near felled
trees in deep black holes where
fishes hid.

With weight and hook
and wiggling worm
I’d drop my line and watch the
bobbing bobber disappear
when fish would bite
and take their flight to
wrap my line around some
hidden snag.

"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value."
       -- Theodore Roosevelt


  1. Love the poem-hope you all are well : )

  2. Thanks. We think about you and your family often. I drop by now and again. All is well here. Pappy


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