Saturday, January 3, 2015

The New Year

Greetings to those who choose to stop by for a read now and then.  Happy New Year 2015.  It has been a while since I visited my blog too.  It is already the 3rd of January and I'm still trying to get started with a renewed program.  I hope all went well for you this year.  I have been blessed.  I found a poem from times past and I re-wrote it.  I do this on occasion to get my creative juices flowing.  I hope you can relate.  Remember to read all poetry aloud.  It enhances the experience.

Aging Memories

A century old sage
on his old Farmall cub
strokes his gray stubbled beard
stained with tobacco juice.

“Everything’s changed
Ain’t nothin’ the same
‘cept the tractor,
the house,
and the barn.”

He grins and spits.
“Got no teeth, but still chew.”

His old red tractor
chugs, sputters, and squeaks
much like he does.

Slowly, memories come.

Memories of childhood
clearer than yesterday.
The house as it once was.
His life as a young man.
Those in his family now
all passed away.

“Everything’s changed
ain’t nothin’ the same
not the tractor,
the house,
or the barn.”

Dennis Price


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Reading your work is a pure pleasure.

    1. Thanks Buff. Hope you are having a wonderful New Year.

  2. Thank goodness you're safely home from the round-up! Now I expected to see you soon, but I thought it would be on the 6th or 7th. I thought of how much things have changed as we celebrated Christmas—guess such times will send one to his or her memories. A blessed New Year to you and yours... Good to find a post.


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